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The University provides a congenial environment for the holistic growth and all-round development of the student through suitably designed teaching-learning processes.The training is provided to the students such that they become globally acceptable personalities with exceptional communication skills, proper attitudes and aptitudes, problem-solving capabilities and to work in as team. The University works on a principle of “BMTU” that meant for Innovation, Excellence and Commitment for world class education. We empowers our students to take responsibility for their academic work, social life and career development. The heart of the BMT University Campus is its Academic block which houses two floored Digital library, acoustically designed auditorium, 80 lecture theatres, well equipped labs, Engineering workshops, Seminar Halls and a Computer Center with 24X7 internet connectivity. The University also has excellent support facilities like canteen, gymnasium, health care center, sports complex, transportation facility, Banks, ATMs, Post office & Courier services, Residential facilities for staff, Hostels, Students Activity Center (SAC) and Hobby clubs.

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